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Pre-Natal Physio - Part 1: Pelvic Floor Muscle Training
Why all women should be doing pelvic floor muscle exercises in pregnancy

What is a Prolapse? Does it need surgery? Will it get worse?
Do you have symptoms of heaviness, dragging, a feeling of something falling out? Have you been diagnosed with a prolapse? Read on...

Healthy Bladder Habits
What is considered normal bladder function? The adult bladder has a capacity of approximately 400-450ml of urine (some people will be...

The OHNUT - What?
The OHNUT - a brilliant product designed to decrease deep pelvic pain with penetrative intercourse - a game changer for women!

What is a Pelvic Health Physio?
What is a Pelvic Health Physio? Read on to find out who we are, what we do, how we do it and what conditions we treat...

Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)
What is a prolapse? You may have heard this term before, know someone who has had a prolapse, or may be concerned that you have a...

Healthy Bowel Habits
What is normal? Bowel habits vary from person to person. In terms of bowel emptying, normal frequency varies from 2-3x's/day to once...

What is Telehealth? Telehealth is normal healthcare online. Instead of physically attending a clinic, we link to you via a safe,...

Meditation Makes Sense!
Do you know what may well be the single most important, inexpensive and easy feel good factor you could add to your day…? Meditation....

4 Week Meditation Course
The lovely Miranda from Miranda Wise Meditation is joining us in the clinic to provide a beautiful meditation course in which you'll...

Mastitis - Are Antibiotics Necessary?
Up to 20% of breastfeeding women can develop mastitis, blocked milk ducts and other inflammatory conditions of their breast. Mastitis can...

When is it safe to return to sport and exercise after having a baby?
Here on the Northern Beaches, we love our exercise. We spend a lot of time outdoors and often socialise through our sport. Having a...
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