For External Pelvic Pain click here
A condition where the cells that line the uterus grow in other parts of the body
Symptoms include painful periods (may be felt in abdomen, back, hips, or in other parts of the body - pain that flares with ovulation, pre-menstrually or during your bleed), painful intercourse, heavy bleeding +/- clots, bladder and bowel symptoms (urgency, hesitancy, constipation), fertility issues
Requires a multi-disciplinary approach (including Gp, Pain Specialist, Gynaecologist, Physio)
Physiotherapy helps you to manage your pain - including muscle release (internal and external), joint mobilisation around the back and pelvis, exercise programming, pain physiology education, mindfulness, breathwork
Pudendal Neuralgia
The pudendal nerve follows a windy course from the sacrum (back of the pelvis) to the clitoral area giving off branches along the way
Typically experienced as one sided pain/burning/tingling/numbness that is aggravated by sitting
Typical causes are cycling, entrapment of the pudendal nerve along it's pathway, post-radiotherapy, post-surgical trauma, polyneuropathy, compression of the nerve from tumour
Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC)
Pain associated with bladder filling
May also cause urinary urgency and/or frequency and/or nocturia (increased emptying of bladder at night)
No infection present
Urethral Pain Syndrome (UPS)
Pain associated with passing urine
May also cause urinary urgency and/or frequency and nocturia
Urethritis is a type of UPS and can be an infective urethritis (e.coli, herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhoea) or an inflammatory urethritis (after catheter removal, following previous infection, chemical sensitivity, oestrogen deficiency)
Painful intercourse secondary to:
Tight pelvic floor muscles
Low oestrogen levels (when breastfeeding or when peri-/post-menopausal)
Mesh protrusion following surgery
Birth trauma - perineal tear or episiotomy, internal vaginal wall tear
Neural pain (sensitisation, irritation, compression)
Post-surgical pain/vaginal tightness)
Infection (thrush, herpes, bacterial vaginosis, lichen sclerosus, lichen planus)
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Tightness of the pelvic floor muscles that can cause difficulties with intercourse, tampon insertion and removal, PAP smears
Often, unfortunately, treated as a purely psychological disorder
Very treatable with physiotherapy
Pain, burning, or discomfort in the vulva region that cannot be linked to a specific cause
It may or may not be triggered by touch
Anorectal Pain
Pain passing a bowel motion
Usually related to other pathologies (anal fissures, haemorrhoids or pain syndromes)
Chronic Proctalgia​
Ongoing rectal pain or aching lasting >20mins
Caused by tightness of one of the pelvic floor muscles (puborectalis)
Proctalgia Fugax
Repeated episodes of pain in the anus or rectum lasting a few seconds/minutes with no pain between bouts​
Can be related to history of chronic constipation
May be a spasm of the anal sphincter or puborectalis
Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP)
This is an umbrella term used for any ongoing internal pelvic pain
Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome​
Not specifically a pain syndrome, but a very uncomfortable constant state of arousal that usually needs multi-disciplinary management (including Physio, Doctor, Specialist)
For External Pelvic Pain click here
At Beaches Pelvic Physio we treat all aspects of the pelvis both internal and external,
together with associated areas of the body.
We work closely with many Specialists, Therapists and Trainers including: GP’s; Integrative GP's; Sports Physicians; Gynaecologists; Obstetricians; Urologists; Urogynaecologists; Gastroenterologists; Colorectal Surgeons; Nutritionists; Naturopaths; Massage Therapists; Exercise Physiologists; Personal Trainers; Yoga & Pilates Instructors, to achieve the best results for you.
If you are unsure about anything, please don't hesitate to call us on: 02 9976 2666 or 02 9905 3500.
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